
Can you see me?
Can you see me?

Heaven help anyone that is afraid of lizards in Houston this year. They are literally everywhere! This little fellow is a green Anole and if you catch his eye he will reveal his bright red fold (a dewlap) under his chin and puff it in and out. Kind of like a flasher… He also has pretty blue eyelids that you can just see in this photo. One of my kitty cats, Toffee, was literally addicted to lizards (they have a taste that cats love). If there was a competition, I would be the world’s best lizard catcher. Their tails will come off and regrow when they are predated. If you hold one of these little ones in your hand you can feel the tiny claws on their feet and their little hearts beating fast – am I a predator or a good Samaritan? One big black one bit me on my palm; ungrateful lizard!

This shot was taken at Mercer Arboretum, following on from my last post. I mentioned that the gardens had been damaged by flooding and this is a shot of the creek below.

Cypress Creek in abeyance
Cypress Creek in Abeyance

It is probably hard to imagine that this little creek not only broke it’s steep banks but 7ft of floodwater ravaged Mercer Arboretum. Here is a link to an article about the arboretum’s flood. The creek is always silty but it is still full of fish, especially big catfish, alligators and snakes. Given the devastation it is astonishing to see these new plantings below.

new beds of flowers
new beds of flowers
Lilac Crape Myrtle Blossom
Lilac Crape Myrtle Blossom

Crape Myrtle trees are the stalwart of the south – they can survive drought, flood and even frost. On our property we have three hot pink trees, one fuchsia and a miniature deep red. They brighten my life with their eagerness to live in harsh conditions. This is a Google link to various color varieties. One neighbor has a particularly pretty variety in palest pink but with mulberry leaves.

38 thoughts on “Peep!

  1. I had no idea lizards were flashers! 😀 I lived in Indonesia for a while and saw lots of huge monitor lizards, but they were most certainly NOT the flashing kind. Crape myrtle trees are amazing…I have to head to the south one of these days. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The new flowers beds look great – grow flowers grow! We had quite a few Crape Myrtles at our Dallas home, you can always depend on them. Okay, the lizard – yes, we had so many of these in Dallas, they were everywhere. Kerry, be sure and read my post this Saturday – it involves a lizard! Great post, stay dry! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Your comment made me laugh, because it made me remember a time that I was walking with a friend and I pointed out a lizard scurrying by. I even shouted,”Look, lizard!” 😆 She told me I reminded her of her 4-year-old haha.

        I love that you bring back little surprises for your kitties. That’s too cute.

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  3. I wonder if I can grow that Crepe Myrtle here in RI? I love the colors and it seems to be a very strong bush. I love that little lizard baby, though and I think ZuZu might find him a tasty treat, too. Roxie would think it’s disgusting.

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  4. I wondered what was peeping through the flowers (sort of looked like a snake head), glad it was a lizard. So your cat actually ate them? I never had any small animals around for my cats to play with but I heard that when they bring you a dead mouse or similar animal that it’s like a little present – yuck! I’m lovin’ all your flower pics!

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      1. Awe, I don’t know what it is about tiny animals but I typically find myself gushing over them. My two cats were kept indoors. If they would have ventured outside and brought me back a snake, well I’d probably have a stroke. Looking forward to your travelogue.

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