Egyptian visitors at the pond

There has been a curious mystery at our pond for the last few weeks.  There were three little ducklings swimming alone in the middle of the water.  The Whistling ducks have gone to Latin America – would they leave their ducklings behind?  It would be strange as they are the helicopter parents of the duck/goose world.


Then I noticed we had a lovely dove gray Muscovy duck that I assumed was a daughter in law to the extended family.  Was she a flighty young mum, ignoring her ducklings?


When I walked with Teddy to the pond on Sunday we spotted new visitors. We have a pair of Egyptian Geese which are an invasive species.


I watched their relationship with our adored Muscovy Ducks but all seemed well.  To be honest our Muscovy ducks are bruisers, more than ready for the pot, as they would be in Mexico.  They look like those Mexican wrestlers with a mask on so I didn’t think the Egyptian Geese would bother them.  I recognized the geese but couldn’t remember what they were.  Now I realize I have seen them on thousands of Egyptian papyrus and ancient carvings.

Much like the Whistling ducks they are neither ducks nor geese but a sub category most similar to Sheldrakes. Today we had an important duck/goose update when we met one of the neighbors who has named all the Muscovy ducks and who lives at the pond. Apparently the Egyptian Geese were indeed terrorists and had frightened the Muscovies on two occasions. What!! She chased them and they seem to have left the area. If I see them again I will call the Ranger. How dare they frighten our residents!!! As for the abandoned ducklings, they are just deadbeat parents…

A few years ago we had another invasive species at the pond, Nutriamama and baby are pictured above. They are a relative of the Capybara and were brought to Louisiana for the fur trade. They breed like rabbits although they look like little beavers and can decimate the vegetation that is needed for the local species. My friend saw the Forest Warden preparing to trap them and asked him, “What are you going to do with them?” Bless her heart! It was like asking the store Santa if Santa is real. The warden very kindly told her that they were being ‘relocated’ to another area.

For some more fake news see RARE TWO HEADED DUCK below


39 thoughts on “Egyptian visitors at the pond

  1. Lucky to have wildlife all year round. I had a muscovy duck white female. That was many years ago. The egyptian ducks or geese or neither look like a long lost relative or a racoon. The ring around the eyes are a dead giveway. I may have been in the sauce too much to give that description. Fa la la la la la la la la

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Irish wetlands usually become alive with the sound of returning geese around October. Your post reminds me to check the usual places where winter migrants usually “hang out” here in Sligo. My favourite is Greylag Geese, but they mostly are found in places around Dublin, Wicklow and Waterford. Thanks for sharing and have a good day. I hope all is well. Are you all set for Christmas? β˜ƒοΈβ„οΈπŸŽ„ Take care πŸ˜€ Aiva

    Liked by 2 people

    1. For some reason we have always lived on a migratory route for birds. I used to love seeing the V formations of geese in Scotland. The swans were more problematic, they kept bringing the power lines down… Last week the flock of white pelicans stopped briefly at our pond on their way south for the winter. I can’t honestly say I am looking forward to Christmas but we are well and my husband is still working. Much love to you, Aiva. K x

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  3. You are observant Kerry. I’m constantly appalled at how little I know of nature and its works. Like three-year-old I can point out Duck, Horse, Cow, but have never progressed beyond that. And here’s me working a couple of days a week at a country farm museum πŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If the apocalypse happens, just call me. I am an expert tracker and often take my ‘prey’ by surprise. I reckon it is a gift from my Mexican ancestors…
      That said, I need Wikipedia and Google to help with identification. Thanks Roy!

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  4. What a gently fascinating blog post. I recently saw a bunch of what I think are cormorants perching in trees around a small lake where I like to walk. I somehow thought that birds with webbed feet avoided tree branches β€” but I guess not (and we have no alligators to avoid that I am aware of in MA…)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe the New York subterranean alligators moved north…🐊 On a visit to Cajun country, we saw kittens happily playing right next to an alligator on the banks of a waterway. Apparently there was enough fish for everyone.


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