Tag: Mexico City

An Exciting Day in Mexico City

On our last full day of our trip to Mexico City, we decided to get up early and walk around the Zócalo Central Historical area before it became too hot.  The city has a marvelous mountain climate; cool in the morning and warm during the day.  It is also at high altitude with air pollution so you may tire easily.  At breakfast we enjoyed the breeze on the open-air restaurant of our hotel, gazing over the magnificent Plaza.  Once it was Aztec; now Spanish Colonial.  The Plaza had organized protests on every day.  It was very quiet and civil.  On this morning there was some loud noises but we couldn’t figure out where or what caused this.

Is this a church?
Friendly Shop Cat

I set off at a brisk pace, with Teddy struggling to keep up.  He is much more fit than me but I didn’t realize that he was struggling with a reaction to seafood (THAT HE SHOULD NOT HAVE EATEN!)  We started at a very old Synagogue but they would not allow us entry without a driving license or passport.  These items were safely ensconced in our hotel safe and we could not be bothered walking back.  This area of the city is built on a grid so we decided to walk on the other side of the Plaza from our hotel.  We noticed that a few of the streets were blocked off but could see no reason why.  It was a tad annoying for old people with sore feet…

Doors, Wires and Fabric

The shopkeepers and street vendors were very busy washing the streets with bleach or disinfectant.  The blocks were organized per product.  You could only buy fabric in one section or tools in another.  It was fascinating and took us straight back to the souks in Cairo.  On the other side of the Plaza, it was completely different with department stores and fancy shops.  I had fun browsing in H & M and Zara.  It was as though 1st world luxuries and 3rd world necessities met at the Plaza.

Busy Alley

The streets were crowded and narrow but it was it was just people going about their business.  We had no sense of danger.  Then we spotted some riot police and my antennae twitched – just like a cockroach.  Was something happening?  The first group of riot police were taking a selfie so perhaps it was just a routine drill.  Teddy noticed that half of them were the prettiest riot police he had ever seen…

Vendors preparing

We were getting hot and bothered.  Teddy’s face was turning a strange color so we headed for a large department store that had a rooftop restaurant.  When we entered the ‘Liverpool’ department store we were asked what we wanted.  Que?  I told them that we wanted to go to the rooftop restaurant.  We were accompanied by a uniformed member of staff to the top floor.  Then I realized that the regular store was not open yet (it was still early morning) but the restaurant was open for breakfast/brunch.  The staff were making sure we didn’t steal any of the designer togs!  Very sensible given we wear thrift clothes on vacation. Brief segue – isn’t it strange that Liverpool is the name of the group of department stores? It doesn’t seem glamorous to me…

The restaurant was full of locals having relaxed breakfasts.  We just needed juice, water and coffee.  Teddy still didn’t look well so he decided to head back to the hotel and I stayed to browse the designer togs (that I wouldn’t be buying.)  By the time we finished our drinks, the store was fully open and I happily meandered all over the store.  We have always enjoyed eating at department stores around the world.  Usually the food is good, there are few tourists and the price is lower.

Stained glass ceiling in El Palacio de Herrio department store

By the time I returned to the hotel, Teddy was sitting in the lobby looking miserable.  We went back to our room and he went back to bed where he stayed.  He had a fever and I was concerned we would end up at a local hospital.  While he was sleeping, I browsed the internet and discovered the cause of the commotion in the morning.  A group of young men in a pickup truck had stormed the door of the Presidential Palace where the then President Obrador was giving a speech.  They were protesting the disappearance of 43 young men in 2014.  Here is a link to the news article.  https://nypost.com/2024/03/07/world-news/mexico-protesters-knock-down-door-of-presidential-palace/

We live in a very safe and unexciting township.  The only violence I have suffered is at the wings of a swan and my three Egyptian cats.  Mexico City was an interesting change of pace.  The next day Teddy seemed much better and we headed back to home.  We were relieved to get home but thoroughly enjoyed our exciting trip to Mexico City.  Friends have asked how safe it felt but even with the political incident, I had no sense of danger during daytime in the small area of the central historical area.  There were many police officers in the tourist areas and locals were friendly. 

Statue and Alien Plants

We took an Uber back to the airport and this driver should have starred in ‘Fast and Furious‘.  It had taken us about an hour to get to our hotel, after our arrival. This return journey took a hair-raising 15 minutos. He took us through a very interesting part of the city.  As he was maneuvering through the crazy traffic, I noticed a little baggie of a white substance on the pavement.  Was it cocaine or baking soda?  We will never know.

Click on the red links for more information.

It’s been a while…

Have you ever wondered why a fellow blogger suddenly stopped posting?  I have been blogging, fairly consistently, since 2015.  In that time many WordPress friends have dropped off the map.  Sometimes I knew the backstory – occasional deaths or mental health crises.  Other bloggers are overwhelmed with real life commitments and the toll that regular posting takes on your time.  The rest are a mystery but I surmise that boredom, change of lifestyle, or a desire to escape social media may play a part.

My extended break is for all of the reasons stated above.  Health has been a major factor; mine and others in my life.  Last Spring 2023, I fainted, knocked myself out and ended up in hospital for a few days.  My recovery was protracted with seemingly endless dizziness.  One of the many measures I took to combat this was to reduce one of my mental health medications, with my doctor’s knowledge.  This had an inevitable effect on me and my mood has been low for months.  In the past I would have tweaked or changed medication but I am reluctant to do that.

Another personal crisis preempted my disappearance from WordPress.  A dear friend, who had been battling Stage IV cancer for many years, entered into hospice care for the last six months of her life.  I wanted to be fully present and had no desire to write.  She is now at peace and I am glad I was able to spend time with her.

Teddy and I took some much-needed vacations during this time.  I introduced Teddy to my favorite place in Mexico in November with a short break to Merida in the Yucatan staying at a historic boutique hotel.  Teddy was entranced which made me so happy.  Oscar, a wonderful driver, who took us to the pyramid complex at Uxmal and a remote cenote.  We indulged in delicious Maya cuisine in local restaurants and walked for hours.

Above is a beautifully rounded pyramid at Uxmal and below is some detail from one of the temple buildings

Oscar, our driver, took us to an indigenous Maya village named Muna. There was no tourism and we just browsed the fascinating local market. I could not identify all of the unique produce.

It was such a fun break even though I wasn’t fully fit.  The heat bothered me and I was anxious at times.  This trip inspired us to go on another break to Mexico City in March.  That was unexpectedly wonderful.  Our glamorous hotel had a rooftop terrace, nouvelle Mexican cuisine, and a view of the Aztec plaza where Montezuma’s palace was.  Now we were immersed in the history of the Aztecs.

Teddy and I on the rooftop of our hotel with the backdrop of the Metropolitan Cathedral at sunset. This complex was Aztec at the time of the Spanish invasion and the cathedral was built with the existing stone. Behind the cathedral is the remains of Montezuma’s Palace with a fabulous stone serpent below.

We visited a zoo in Mexico City and it was a revelation. The enclosures were large and the animals seemed happy. I fell in love with a new animal to me – the maned wolf. It’s not really a wolf but a rare and endangered canid – look at those supermodel legs!

Finally, we prepared for a much-anticipated trip to Ireland to visit my aunt who is 94.  It had been five years since I saw my family from the old country.   A few days before our flight she fell and ended up in hospital.  Nothing was broken but she remained in this remote hospital for the week of our stay.  It was a strange trip.  We decided to stay in Dublin but travelled to the hospital each day, a round trip of 226 km.  Thankfully, she has made a marvelous recovery and is now at home.  In retrospect, it was serendipitous that the trip to Ireland happened at a time of crisis.

During my sabbatical, I did work on my website and deleted many old posts.  I am not sure if I want to continue posting or having a website but time will tell.  My isolation suited my mood but now I want to reconnect.

On the one day when the sun came out, we made a short stop at the town of Kells in Ireland. This old Celtic Cross caught my eye. The town was quite charming and we were glad to have a moment as tourists.