It’s been a while…

Have you ever wondered why a fellow blogger suddenly stopped posting?  I have been blogging, fairly consistently, since 2015.  In that time many WordPress friends have dropped off the map.  Sometimes I knew the backstory – occasional deaths or mental health crises.  Other bloggers are overwhelmed with real life commitments and the toll that regular posting takes on your time.  The rest are a mystery but I surmise that boredom, change of lifestyle, or a desire to escape social media may play a part.

My extended break is for all of the reasons stated above.  Health has been a major factor; mine and others in my life.  Last Spring 2023, I fainted, knocked myself out and ended up in hospital for a few days.  My recovery was protracted with seemingly endless dizziness.  One of the many measures I took to combat this was to reduce one of my mental health medications, with my doctor’s knowledge.  This had an inevitable effect on me and my mood has been low for months.  In the past I would have tweaked or changed medication but I am reluctant to do that.

Another personal crisis preempted my disappearance from WordPress.  A dear friend, who had been battling Stage IV cancer for many years, entered into hospice care for the last six months of her life.  I wanted to be fully present and had no desire to write.  She is now at peace and I am glad I was able to spend time with her.

Teddy and I took some much-needed vacations during this time.  I introduced Teddy to my favorite place in Mexico in November with a short break to Merida in the Yucatan staying at a historic boutique hotel.  Teddy was entranced which made me so happy.  Oscar, a wonderful driver, who took us to the pyramid complex at Uxmal and a remote cenote.  We indulged in delicious Maya cuisine in local restaurants and walked for hours.

Above is a beautifully rounded pyramid at Uxmal and below is some detail from one of the temple buildings

Oscar, our driver, took us to an indigenous Maya village named Muna. There was no tourism and we just browsed the fascinating local market. I could not identify all of the unique produce.

It was such a fun break even though I wasn’t fully fit.  The heat bothered me and I was anxious at times.  This trip inspired us to go on another break to Mexico City in March.  That was unexpectedly wonderful.  Our glamorous hotel had a rooftop terrace, nouvelle Mexican cuisine, and a view of the Aztec plaza where Montezuma’s palace was.  Now we were immersed in the history of the Aztecs.

Teddy and I on the rooftop of our hotel with the backdrop of the Metropolitan Cathedral at sunset. This complex was Aztec at the time of the Spanish invasion and the cathedral was built with the existing stone. Behind the cathedral is the remains of Montezuma’s Palace with a fabulous stone serpent below.

We visited a zoo in Mexico City and it was a revelation. The enclosures were large and the animals seemed happy. I fell in love with a new animal to me – the maned wolf. It’s not really a wolf but a rare and endangered canid – look at those supermodel legs!

Finally, we prepared for a much-anticipated trip to Ireland to visit my aunt who is 94.  It had been five years since I saw my family from the old country.   A few days before our flight she fell and ended up in hospital.  Nothing was broken but she remained in this remote hospital for the week of our stay.  It was a strange trip.  We decided to stay in Dublin but travelled to the hospital each day, a round trip of 226 km.  Thankfully, she has made a marvelous recovery and is now at home.  In retrospect, it was serendipitous that the trip to Ireland happened at a time of crisis.

During my sabbatical, I did work on my website and deleted many old posts.  I am not sure if I want to continue posting or having a website but time will tell.  My isolation suited my mood but now I want to reconnect.

On the one day when the sun came out, we made a short stop at the town of Kells in Ireland. This old Celtic Cross caught my eye. The town was quite charming and we were glad to have a moment as tourists.

57 thoughts on “It’s been a while…

  1. Good to have you back Kerry. Sorry to hear about your and your friend’s and aunt’s health problems. We are in Mexico now and visited Mexico City a month ago and Uxmal 2 months ago! Hope to hear more from you on the blog 🙂 Maggie

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  2. Good to see back Kerry, but sorry to hear of so many health problems for you and your family, and of the loss of your friend. It’s good that you got to do some traveling. I didn’t post for a few years either due to health problems. Now I’m back to posting now and then. I’ve made a little progress but I’m far from being back to where I was.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Welcome back. It’s nice to have your energy gracing the pages of WordPress again. I missed you but I have read you were busy with a different perspective. I only post once in a while. .My journey has taken me in a different direction. I post when I want to. A few time I wanted to delete my site but I took break and refreshed my perspective. I leave my site there when I want it when it suits me or when it calls me to write. It’s always nice to know it’s there. Carry the flame of peace and love until our words cross again.

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  3. Oh my goodness, you have lived a roller coaster existence the last little while. Good to know what caused your absence and even better to know how you spent the time. A knock on the head messes up everything. Whatever you decide to do, it been great to be brought up-to-date. Hugs.

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  4. welcome back Kerry … two trips to Mexico and a visit with Aunty in Ireland … I bet your company helped her to pick up! You are so right about many leaving WP for various reasons but there also doesn’t seem to be any newcomers either … feels like WP has cocooned us regulars off 😦

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  5. Good to have you back Kerry.. I took an almost 4 year break from blogging and didn’t think I’d be back, yet here I am. I’m so glad you took the time to spend with your friend, your aunt, Teddy and most importantly, yourself. That’s real life and they are the priorities. Looking forward to reading you again 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Kerry and great to read your article, and the magnificent photos that accompany them.
    My condolences for the loss of your friend. Having lost a close friend last year I understand the pain of grief & the impact to our mental health.
    If your medication doesn’t feel right have a chat with your medical team about it, it might be possible to change the medication, it sounds like blood pressure meds, if so there are multiple tablet options.
    Welcome back to Ireland and our beautiful weather…….. you were lucky to get one nice day. But The Market Cross in Kells is worth the visit it was originally known as the Gate Cross and dates back to 804AD.
    Hope you decide to keep writing these wonderful articles and sharing the beautiful photos

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  7. A very warm welcome back to the blogging space, Kerry. Wow you really did live your life while you were away. I am sorry to hear of sad health news for you and others. It is always meaningful to be present with them when you can. Time spent with others is time well spent ❤

    Wonderful that you and Teddy got to spend time together, and looks like quite a few lovely trips there. Lovely photos. It seemed like Teddy loved coming along and you did a lot of the planning, having been there to Mexico before 😄 Loved that you described the maned wolf – supermodel legs! Sounds like your sense of humour is still here and intact.

    Sometimes I like taking blogging breaks. Probably why I like to space out writing and blogging. Then again, I do miss being on here sometimes when I am away. Hope you are doing well, Kerry. Hugs and much love to you 😊

    Liked by 1 person

      1. A break is always good…I have to remind myself to take blogging breaks and breaks in general 😄 It is really lovely to see you are back, Kerry. Enjoy catching up with everyone ❤

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  8. So glad you are back. I’m happy to hear that you prioritize your well being and understood that it was time to take a break. I think we all should do that. Take care.

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  9. Great blog post Kerry. Well, you really have a long history with blogging and I am glad that you are still alive and kicking, Praise God😀🙏🙏

    Also, so sorry to hear about the little crisis you had last year. Hopefully you will be strong and keep blogging. Well, life is hard actually and it is normal to see Bloggers going and never coming back, that is life, you cannot blog forever. 🙏

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  10. Welcome back, Kerry! A blogging break.  A step back.  A little hiatus.  Whatever you want to call it, we’ve all been away from the blog for a while due to the reasons you’ve listed. Blogging is a lot of work.  It takes lots of time to research and create consistent content, to market that content to your audience, network with other bloggers, and all the back-end pieces that go into maintaining a website and social presence. Also – it can also be incredibly time-consuming. And my time (just like yours) is limited.  So, once in a while, we have to pick and choose the best things to fill it with. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

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  11. Adding to the heartfelt ‘Welcomes Back’ Kerry. Good to hear from and relieved that you’re OK and able to travel and enjoy new and old places. You’re right – people seem to fall off the edge of the Earth without warning. I’ve tried contacting one or two long-standing bloggers but everyone will have their own valid reasons. They’ll be back, or they won’t. It’s probably not right to treat fellow bloggers the way we do family and real-life friends.

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    1. Thank you so much, Roy. It is a strange world we straddle, intimately linked with fellow bloggers, yet it isn’t quite the same as IRL friends. I enjoy both! 🤗


  12. Kerry, thank you for sharing your journey with such honesty and vulnerability. It’s heartening to hear you were able to be there for your friend during her final months, and that you found moments of joy and discovery in your travels despite the challenges. Your resilience and the way you’ve navigated through these difficult times is truly inspiring. I’m glad to see you reconnecting and look forward to reading more about your adventures and reflections. Take care and know that your WordPress friends are here for you. Best wishes, Mike

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