Our first date…


…since the Pandemic started.  We moved into our ‘new’ house 16 years ago when we moved to Texas from Cairo.  One of the reasons was that it was a 5 minute walk from our house to a local steakhouse and bar.  We don’t go that often as it is expensive but it is a lovely treat at happy hour.  Now you have to make reservations and observe restaurant social distancing.  It was a tad weird to see our usual servers in masks and gloves but lovely at the same time.  They welcomed us like old friends.  We both had to sit at the same side of the booth to be the requisite distance from the next booth which was very romantic.

It’s a fancy place but not pretentious and we dressed up.  Teddy has lost so much weight that his Tommy Bahama’s good shirt could have fitted both of us in it – time for the charity box.  I can fit into my old skinny clothes and I am wearing my favorite cream Max Studio dress worn with an ‘antique’ brown velvet jacket from Bandera, Texas.  I am pretty sure the previous owner has passed on but I love to think of the events she may have worn it to.  At the restaurant I ate my steak like a ravenous wolf and devoured the whipped potatoes.  Then we had a bottle of wine AND DESSERT.  It was all gluten free – just like my life now.

Like many of us, I have spent quite some time on introspective thought.  My mental health has been good given the circumstances and I realize that I enjoy social isolation (and the calm that comes with that).  Rather sadly, I went into the airport and handed back my badge and keys.  I have been volunteering for 11 years or so and it was the strangest sensation to see how quiet everything was.  The volunteering program has been suspended temporarily but I had already decided before the pandemic that it was time for me to do something new.  I doubt I will have any VIP work for the next year but that might pick up in the future.  It is a special birthday for me in July when I turn 60 – WHAT!!!!  We had vague plans of a short trip somewhere but who knows.  We could spend the rest of our lives just exploring Texas…

Is anyone else totally fed up with the Pandemic euphemisms?   These Challenging times, Unusual circumstances or The New Normal.  It’s a bloody Pandemic – just call it what it is.  The best new word I came across is Covidiot which means someone who doesn’t follow Pandemic Protocol.  On that note I was scolded at two separate grocery stores.  ME – compliant citizen exemplified!  The first time I waited patiently in the line to go in a smaller store, wore my mask and kept my distance.  At the checkout I stood behind the plexiglass but wasn’t standing in the taped yellow box.  The older gentleman, checking my groceries out, asked me to move back, and I apologized profusely.  I was mortified.  Today, I went through the 15 items only checkout at another store.  I guess I had about 20 items which has never been a problem in the past.  This time I had to pay for the first 15 items, and then the extra items separately.  This time I almost blushed.  I sheepishly left the store reminding myself to count the items next time.

Some very classy citizens have been behaving very badly during these ‘challenging times’ and I don’t want to be part of that mob.  One mother created a ruckus at Red Lobster (a seafood chain of restaurants) because she had to wait.  I guess nobody knew she was Mother of the Year??  It doesn’t sit well when so many of our population are food hungry right now.  Thank you once again to all the essential workers who have worked so hard to keep us safe.  The least we could do is to make their jobs easier.

Happy Memorial Day – E Pluribus Unum.

46 thoughts on “Our first date…

    1. LOL! Thank you so much. A doctor friend suggested I cut out Gluten for some of my medical issues. I feel so much better but it has been difficult being gluten free during the Pandemic.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. my sister does it and the ingredients are difficult to come by and often expensive.

        Must have been difficult to resign from the airport as you loved it so much but we’ve all had more time to reflect and know the changes we need to make 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think many of us have set the reset button during the Pandemic. The odd thing was that I had a precognition of the Pandemic with a vision of me struggling to breathe in the autumn.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. We should collaborate on a post about Gluten. It has affected me in a different way than I expected. The airport was dead and I used to like it when it was packed to capacity (pre pandemic…) And thank you!


  1. Looking fabulous. Glad you got to dine out.
    As an aside, try making sourdough starter. I’ve been making sourdough bread for years and the slow-rise process seems to negate any effects of gluten (not for celiacs, but for people who find gluten might bother them some). I’ve shared starter with friends who have been able to return to eating bread made with normal flour.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, I love sourdough bread, Peggy and thank you! As far as I know I am just gluten sensitive – years since I had a Celiac test. My only problem would be covering the bread in Land of Lakes butter and eating it all…😁

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    1. Thank you, Pit. I might be wrong but I think the wave of Covid has passed through our zip code for now – fingers crossed. Regards to you and Mary and the Bambis!


  2. Looking good Kerry. Sounds like you had a lovely meal. I heard a good one about lockdown. You’ll come out a hunk(you) a chunk (me) or a drunk. So in the new normal, unprecedented times I’m loving the Covidiot phrase.
    Gluten free seems to be the way to go! Can’t believe we are nearly 60! Where did the time go?
    Keep well. Best wishes to both of you.
    Anne x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Unprecedented! Love it. Also loved the hunk, chunk and drunk. Despite the weight loss we have been drinking far too much and we will have to stop after this holiday weekend. Hugs to you, Anne and thank you. Can you believe that my body dysmorphia has been really bad of late? I was fat for all those years and thought I looked okay. Bloody brain chemistry!


  3. Sounded like a cozy dinner for the first time in a while. Can’t deny it is great having a booth to yourselves away from others 😀 That must have been mortifying to have to have to go back in line to pay for the other five items. Ugh! The other day I was at the store paying for my items and was told to step back behind the line. So awkward, and at the same time there was a bunch of noisy people together at the line too. That velvet jacket looks great on you. Great for a night out on the town 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Looking fantastic, mi amiga! Great you and Teddy got the chance to go out for a meal. Haven’t heard about the animal visitors in your backyard for some time… any updates? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Mags! We have a downy woodpecker who has been tapping on our fence to signal for a mate. I have had great fun talking to him through the fence. He is just inches away. Saw the red tailed hawk soaring who has a nest in the reserve behind and the cicadas are singing! K x

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      1. We have a tiny wee patio garden but it backs onto a reserve where the critters live. Today it was a female bluejay, a mockingbird and many spotted anoles trying to have sex with each other.

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      1. Great to hear – we also have a few trials. Houston is a center of excellence for medicine but mostly oncology. Let’s hope one of them gets it right!


  5. I’m glad you had such a nice date. You look great! I think a lot of people who struggle usually find the pandemic easier to handle then those who don’t. Partially because the world has been turned upside down. If your world is anyways an upside down mess… and all the time takes away a lot of pressure…
    Love, light and glitter

    Liked by 3 people

      1. My wife loves a local Indian restaurant, I buy her food from there to celebrate, or when she has a headache. You name the occasion and she enjoys it. LOL I don’t mind it all.


  6. Looking good Kerry 🙂 Au contraire, I’ve put on weight these last couple of months through eating junk. Funny all right how some folk are acting hyper-sensitive over the rules and protocols while others assume those rules don’t apply to them. Shame about the volunteering – that was a long stretch. I’m sure you’ll slide into something else just as worthwhile.

    Liked by 2 people

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