Are pearls unlucky?

For many years I would not wear pearls because my mum did, on her ill-fated wedding day, and shed many tears.  She would bring it up so frequently that I was convinced that pearls were unlucky at any time.  In some cultures wedding pearls represent the tears a bride will cry on her wedding day.  I felt much the same about opals until my sensible geologist husband pointed out that you would only be unlucky not to have these beautiful gemstones.  Both my Nana and my mum were terribly superstitious and some of it still sticks in my addled brain.  I gasp if someone puts new shoes on a table and I wouldn’t walk under a ladder.

Mum leaving her wedding car with pearls, San Francisco 1959

After many years, I fully understood that my parents’ marriage was doomed from the start.  The pearls, which I later broke, and the bridesmaid’s green dresses were of no consequence.  Bit by bit, a few pearls snuck into my jewelry collection.  Most recently one of my dearest friends gifted me the funky pearls below along with the ring and earrings which were her mother’s.  I just love them!

I have few occasions to wear them too, especially now, but Teddy and I had a second date to our local restaurant and they looked lovely with the claret dress.  I found the dress (and another in black) at Old Navy’s clearance rack for $5 each.  There was a young woman looking for the same dress and I helped her look for one to no avail.  She gave me a look that suggested that I should really give them to her but I am not dead yet…and it was my bargain!  Is it some type of primitive foraging gene that makes woman get so excited about a deal or buying stuff?

Our restaurant meal was disappointing this time, although the food was delicious.  Texas is up to 75% capacity at restaurants and although the restaurant was almost empty, they seated an older foursome just 6 ft from us.  We have an inevitable spike in Covid-19 cases as we opened up and I just felt uncomfortable.  I have retreated back to our homestead as the numbers tick up and Teddy is working from home again.

When I was preparing for this post, I looked for my mum and dad’s wedding photo and could only find one.  I knew I hadn’t thrown them out but it took me hours to track them down.  While doing this, I realized we are saving far too many sentimental photos and documents and cleared one box from Teddy’s parent’s house.  There is no reason to save books that stink of cigarette smoke but I did save Teddy’s paternal Grandma’s pearls from the hoarder house.

55 thoughts on “Are pearls unlucky?

  1. Yes, yes… it’s in the genes, the buying thing and the bargaining thing lol. I’ve never thought of things being unlucky. Although the gipsy lady next door when I was a kid said green was unlucky and her son was killed while wearing green socks so you never know. I love that you went back to the ‘homestead,’ reminded me of Bonanza x

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Haha, you wouldn’t want to be Little Joe’s G/F they always seemed to die or get cast off somewhere 😉

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Superstion is all that is-a myth. That is like sitting bare bum on the earth to see if you are ready to plant. Not taking into consideration that seeds don’t like it too wet with some not germinating. Can one tell that from sittimg bare bum on the earth. My pearls are lovely as well.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Hi Kerry. Coming from an Irish family I’ve heard all the same superstitions and have to say still follow them😂
    I love your pearls. Wear them, they’re gorgeous. Your mum was such a beautiful lady. Very glamorous. You are so like her it’s unbelievable.
    Our restaurants are still all closed. Our schools are opened so no rest.
    Hope you and Andy are okay as COVID is everywhere.
    Your dress is a bargain. Nope you found it first so foraging pays off. Stay safe and well 🌈

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Thank you, Anne. The Catholic/Irish stuff goes deep! Kathleen really was a beauty and I think it is weird that I look like her now. Glad to hear that you are okay. Hugs to you and your family. I think we had Covid-19 but I am not certain and the antibody tests are not reliable. K x

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I’m a bit the same.. Mum always said pearls were unlucky for a bride and I still really don’t wear them much. I do use them a lot in my photoshoots with models though as I love the creaminess against skin. Coming from an Irish heritage, those superstitions stick.. If I put my clothes on inside out, I always apologise to my deceased Mum when I turn it back the right way, as she would never do it.. She would leave them inside out for the day lol.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I also grew up with pearls being unlucky together with the colour green being also unlucky at a wedding. So I had some pearls made into buttons for my wedding dress and my bridesmaids wore green!!! Your pearls are fab and really enhance your claret dress. restaurants still haven’t opened up in Ireland yet.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. You look lovely in your claret dress with your funky pearls! The boxed pearls look absolutely fabulous. The superstition about opals was, I believe, to do with the fact that opals shrink and people would lose them out of jewellery settings. I love both – but pearls especially. Hope you are well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t know that about opals – fascinating! Thank you so much for your comment. I am well, if bored and anxious (all at the same time). Hope all is well with you. K x


  7. Lovely! I’m so sorry about the uptick in cases of Covid-19 in Texas. My friend from the Dallas area was coming to visit, and since I am in NJ, they have just put a quarantine in place concerning anyone coming in from several states in the US, and TX is one of them. It’s just one more huge negative in this crazy time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am sorry about your friend but better to be safe. I thought we opened too early in TX but I was surprised at the rapid spread. Yesterday EVERYONE was wearing a mask and there is no toilet tissue…

      Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s definitely the genes that are to be blamed for that, Kerry – resistance is futile. 😉
    Superstitions aren’t easy to overcome and I’m glad that you’re now wearing pearls- they’re beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. The stories behind old pieces of jewelry have always fascinated me. I wrote a short story (that I eventually will try to have published, I think) that addresses how pieces can retain and lose their history based on the lives and deaths of their owners. I’ll have to dig it up and send it to you!


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